Teaching History in Reverse

This web log is dedicated to exploration of the idea and practice of learning and teaching history from present to past, i.e., in reverse chronological order from what is traditional. It is believed that this approach may be advantageous to learning history, to an appreciation of history, and to the empowerment of the learner.

Location: Boise, Idaho, United States

I am a teacher, writer, activist, and philosopher.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

A Proposed Method

Teaching History from Present-To-Past (PREPARE)
A Proposed Methodology

Rationale: According to the Idaho Standards, the importance of knowledge about history rests with the learner’s ability to use it to make better decisions that influence public life today and tomorrow. History is normally taught as a narrative that begins in the past and proceeds toward the present. A critical weakness of this approach is that it will be difficult for most learners to see the relevance of historical dynamics to their own lives. History becomes entertainment, at best. History lessons are remembered as a jumble of events, dates, and personalities. Thus, even while the Standards are fulfilled, the core purpose of studying history remains unfulfilled.

The proposed methodology involves a spiral curriculum in which history is learned from present to past through inquiry, with recursive links created forward to the present at every phase. It is maintained that this approach will make history more relevant to learners and increase their ability to make use of history. It is further maintained that this greater sense of relevance, combined with more active learner inquiry, will result in an improvement of learners’ long-term knowledge of salient events, developments, and personalities when compared with conventional history pedagogy.

Description of the Methodology

Present-to-Past (PREPARE) involves a spiral approach with six steps in each phase. Teacher preparation for this methodology involves reviewing the salient concepts and facts for each standard and for each chapter of the textbook, and mapping these in an “effect-and-cause” order.

Steps in the Methodology:

1. Begin with a presentation and discussion of Current Situations. Current Situations is a deeper and broader assessment of the present than what is typically afforded by “Current Events.” Current Situations should focus on things that will be salient to the lives of learners – things that they care about and which are consequential to significant numbers of people on a national and international scale.

2. Students collaborate to develop Inquiry Questions. These are questions that will guide an inquiry into the causes of current situations. The teacher will assist the students in developing questions that are complete, relevant, penetrating, and of a suitable scope. The class, aided by the teacher, will select one or more of the proposed inquiry questions to pursue.

3. Students engage in Exploration of historical developments, events, and personalities in order to develop hypotheses that can answer the inquiry questions. In Exploration, students begin to map relationships between present and past.

4. Explorations should include use of the textbook and other available information sources, but should also help learners become centered in and bring to life the era and chapter being explored. This is called Visiting. Films, photographs, speeches, music, art, old newspaper articles, biographies, and performances could be used and exhibited by groups of students. The class, assisted by the teacher, will use these to develop the most useful theory to define that prior era/chapter and to explain the present day situation.

5. Students Review Forward the causes and effects from the era studied directly (not through subsequent eras) to the present day (return to Step 1).

6. Students Retrace Inquiry Questions back to the last era visited (moving through every era previously studied), review their knowledge of that era, and begin working backwards from that era with Step 2.


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August 8, 2005 at 11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hi M thew Shapiro

After reading a good blog I tend to analyze it to see what the person behind it might be like.

I've been in the goal setting business a while now and just like most people with experience in different areas of expertise, I can tell a lot about a person just by speaking to them or reading something they've written.

You haven't wrtten any goals on paper for awhile have you? And if you have I'll bet you haven't looked at them for a long time. Right?

Goal setting is hard work, and harder still if you don't have short range goals, mid range goals and long range goals.

I think you'll agree that few people really take the time to set goals of any kind.

When is the last time you really thought about setting some real goals, or are you like the vast majority of people who just "hope for the best"?

You already know successful people aren't "just lucky", they know how to set effective goals and reach them.

I was like that once, you might be also.

How about changing all that.

Come on over to goals+ and learn exactly how to set effective goals, act on them and be the real you.

There's a ton of FREE information and who knows, this little insert in your blog might well change your life!

Happy New Year!

November 14, 2005 at 9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


HI M thew Shapiro

After a good read on blogs like this I like to leave little tips on goal setting. You know, the things you used to dream of when you were young, or even now.

A lot of research has shown that only those who set goals are likely to achieve their dreams.

When is the last time you really sat down and wrote a few short term and long term goals down?

What? It's been that long!

A new year is coming. You could do the same things you did this year and achieve the same results you did with your life dreams last year…

…or you could visit Effective Goal Setting and read all the FREE information on setting goals and getting what you want out of life


you could just piddle on through life hoping for the best, like most people do.

Which will it be?

You really can have a lot more of everything than you do now. All you gotta do is know what you want and have a plan.

Have a GREAT New Year!

November 15, 2005 at 11:39 PM  
Blogger Steve English Teacher said...

I interviewed a principal in California who has a PERSONAL HISTORY WORKBOOK. He asks his students to write their autobiography and then interview their parents and grandparents to write their biographies.

What events have they witnessed?

Where was his mother when the Space Shuttle exploded in January 1986?

Where was his grandfather when JFK was shot?

Then ... even if he has not met his great-grandfather, the student can imagine that someone in his past, one of his ancestors, was affected by World War 1 and the Great Influenza epidemic.

If you are interested in getting the free ebook for this PERSONAL HISTORY WORKBOOK, go to www.TinyURL.com/PersonalHistoryWorkbook


I highly recommend the work of Dennis Yuzenas www.WhatDoYaKnow.com Bravo with the work you have done with the blogspot name.

August 2, 2015 at 4:22 PM  

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