Teaching History in Reverse

This web log is dedicated to exploration of the idea and practice of learning and teaching history from present to past, i.e., in reverse chronological order from what is traditional. It is believed that this approach may be advantageous to learning history, to an appreciation of history, and to the empowerment of the learner.

Location: Boise, Idaho, United States

I am a teacher, writer, activist, and philosopher.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

some "history in reverse" references

Here are some references to the subject of teaching history "in reverse":


The above is an article titled "A Teaching Strategy: Teaching U.S. History Backwards," by Annette Atkins. It is from the March 2000 issue of the journal Perspectives.

I understand that the following book was written from the present to the distant past:

Longworth, Philip (1997) The Making of Eastern Europe (2nd Edition). NY: pub n/a.

Other articles that may be of interest:

Davis, G.H. & Laushey, D.M. Tampering with the Temporal Order. History Teacher 5(3), pp.40-44. March, 1972.

Greenwood, B. Adventures in Learning - History in Reverse. Gifted Education International, 12(1), p. 39. 1997.

Pfannkuche, C.L. A Modest Proposal for History Teachers. Social Studies 62(6), pp. 243-46. November, 1971.


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